GUEST POST: Stephanie Losi

Here's introducing today's guest post from Stephanie Losi!

If it’s the last day
Will I treasure your skin
from wrinkle to crease

Will I imagine smooth silk
or dwell in the papery, thin
brittle of now?

Will I brush back your hair
gray with age, unhidden threads
of life and story, decay and dreams

Will you look at me with decades of
appreciation, love, loathing, and fear
Or just the peace we’ve found at last?

Will I remember you now
in present pain
or the guises worn and thrown away?

Hair and eyes and nails and veins
that make us human, grown
translucent, as you move beyond
the wall that gives us separate wings.

Stephanie Losi is a technology consultant and trainer, a software developer, a writer and artist. She’s been an editor, journalist and infosec/risk specialist in the past. After seven years immersed in the corporate world, she’s been rediscovering creativity. It’s a journey with ups and downs, but it's worth it. You can find her writing and artwork at and on Medium at