The news.

The beginning of the beginning.

So, here it is. Our little baby. Dirtied and bloodied. And so much smaller than we’d expected.

What was supposed to be a “back of the envelope” musing to be launched all the way back in 2010 has since twisted and turned, and waltzed into what you see before you. It demanded far more time and reconsolidations than either of us expected (thanks, perfectionist nature!).

This strip and the 51 to follow have been written across Germany, Japan and the US-A. They were scribbled down in noisy café corners, and revised from scratchy hospital beds. The drawings were made across Germany, Australia and Thailand. And they’re still not finished.

The strip is going to run as a once-per-week affair to be published on Wednesdays. It will last for exactly one year. And then our dear character’s job will be done. His life will be over.

And that… will be it.

